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Hamzavi Dermatology & Dermatology Specialists

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Top 5 things to know about preventing and detecting skin cancer while at home

AMS-ADMIN • May 4, 2020

May is Skin Cancer Awareness month! In the spirit of this national awareness month, we at Dermatology Specialists of Brighton would like to educate our patients and community on how to look for and prevent dangerous skin spots while we shelter in place. Our practice offers virtual appointments for focused skin concerns, but we realize that a total body skin exam cannot be practically done in a virtual visit setting. So until we can see you safely in our offices again, and restrictions of shelter in place has been lifted or relaxed significantly, here are 5 steps you can do to help prevent and detect spots suspicious for skin cancer:

  1. Avoid tanning beds and other sunlamps

Did you know that women who tan indoors before the age of 30, are 6 times more likely to develop melanoma- the deadliest form of skin cancer? Just one indoor tanning session can increase the risk of developing melanoma by 20%, squamous cell carcinoma by 67%, and basal cell carcinoma by 29%. For a glowing tan color in your skin, opt for the self-tanner that comes as wipes, creams, or lotions, and take the smarter option this way instead of taking the risk of skin cancer.

  1. Stay in the shade between 10 am and 4 pm.

The sun’s rays are strongest during these times of the day between 10 am and 4 pm. Even on cloudy days, up to 80% of sun rays can still reach your skin after penetrating cloud coverage. If you are around snow surfaces, an additional 80% of rays can be reflected off the shiny surface. Sand also can reflect 20% of sun rays, so be careful to reapply sunscreen even under the shade.

  1. Wear an SPF greater than 30 when outside and reapply every 2 hours.

Even one blistering sunburn in one’s past can double their risk to develop melanoma later in life. Be careful to pick the correct sunscreen for your outdoor activities. Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB, with an SPF of 30 or greater, with a physical blocker such as zinc or titanium dioxide. Reapplication is important since sweat and water activities can decrease the amount of sunscreen that remains on our skin. Apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of your skin including the ears, your lips (there are lip balms, lip glosses with SPF 30 sold in drugstores and in our office!), back of the neck, and tops of your feet.

  1. Wear sun protective clothing, hats and sunglasses

Check out options of sun protective clothing made from tightly woven light weight material. Made not just for little kids, adults too can benefit from wearing these types of clothing in the sun and on the water.  Websites such as UVskinz.com and Coolibar.com make good resources for what to look for when it comes to sun protective clothing options. You can seek similar outfits at your local sporting goods stores as well.

  1. Look for ABCDEs and do the following 5 steps to perform self skin exams:

Looking for ABCDEs means looking for asymmetry, irregular borders, multiple colors, diameter bigger than the tip of a pencil eraser, and evolution in any of your moles. Those are the characteristics of a mole that may be a skin cancer spot. Look for those signs when you do the following 5 STEPS of a self skin exam at home:

  • Examine your body in a full-length mirror with your arms raised up
  • Look at your underarms, forearms, palms and nails
  • Look at your legs front and back, toes and toenails, and soles of the feet
  • Use a hand mirror to examine your neck, and part the hair to examines the scalp
  • Use a hand mirror to check your back and buttocks

Virtual visits are available by emailing dsbtelederm@thedermspecialists.com , or contact us at (810) 355 4300

Please stay home, stay healthy, and save lives.

Dr. Francisca Kartono & the staff at DSB

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